The best 13 books I read this year

One of my favourite hobbies is reading. Even as a father of two small children, I try to find some time every day to read either before the others wake up or after they went to sleep or sometimes at lunchtime on the bank of a nearby creek. When I...

Ramit Sethi: I'll teach you how to be rich

In his first book, Ramit Sethi shares his own vision about personal finance. It’s not just yet another book on how to spend less and save more money as he doesn’t believe in a frugal life. Besides, he doesn’t just share his two cents but he also gives some practical...

Nassim N. Taleb: The Black Swan

I came across Nassim Taleb’s name and The Black Swan several times reading the books and articles of some modern Stoics and some motivational writers. When I mentioned to one of my best friends that this is the book I’m going to read next, he told me that he’d be...

Ryan Holiday: Ego is The Enemy

This is one of my latest reads. I think its title is quite unambiguous. Ego is The Enemy is about your life. It’s about how you approach the everydays and how most of us fuck it up. We are not humble enough and our ego steps in just way too...

Cal Newport: Deep Work

Given that I really enjoyed Cal Newport’s ideas in So Good They Can’t Ignore You and also the way he writes, I decided to read his other best-seller book, Deep Work, right after. The idea of deep work was far from new to me, but I was interested in the...

Cal Newport: So Good They Can't Ignore You

Find your passion that you carry within yourself. Find it as soon as possible and you’ll be great! This is something we can read at almost every corner of the internet. Cal Newport in his book So Good They Can’t Ignore You challenges this view, I think with success. According...

The 4 Hour Body by Timothy Ferriss

Last year I have read the first book of Tim Ferriss, the “Bible of life hackers”, The 4 Hour Work Week(4HWW). Recently I finished reading one of his other books The 4 Hour Body(4HB). I don’t know how much it is trustable, but I guess so. Especially given that he...

Essential Skills for the Agile Developer by Alan Shalloway et al.

I only wanted to mention these books so that you can see what is covered in Essential Skills for the Agile Developer. It will not go into low-level details about what is the best way to write a for loop, but it will not cover design patterns in details either....

Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture by Martin Fowler

One of my areas for improvement for this year is to learn about software design, software architecture. I keep that in mind when I choose my next books. That’s why I read recently Clean Architecture by Uncle Bob and that’s why I’ve just read Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture by...

Dale Carnegie: How to Win Friends and Influence People

I’m not good at connecting people. I’m too introverted and maybe still a bit shy. I was like that as a child and I’m still a bit. Even though the years I spent at working in and next to politics helped me a lot to overcome this weakness. The book...